Donate to Our Cause
At Anawakalmekak, we encourage our Indigenous youth to live, lead and dream.
We currently have ongoing campaigns to support the vision of Anawakalmekak and Indigenous Education:
1. Chief Ya'anna Learning Village for Indigenous Resurgence: Help us restore the Native eco-system through Indigenous knowledge and practice.
2. Danza Azteca Performing Arts Fund: donate to support the expansion of cultural performing arts at Anawakalmekak by supporting needed repairs and replacement of traditional musical equipment and regalia, travel costs to presentations, and stipends for guest instructors or speakers that expand the students' learning about traditional performing arts.
Anawakalmekak is more than just a school. Since its inception, it has worked tirelessly on the regeneration of indigenous culture, methods, and connection to the land.
Keep up-to-date on our current fundraising events, and learn more about the projects you would be supporting through your donation.
Anawakalmekak is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your donation is secure and tax deductible.